Sunday, August 1, 2010

Julie Andrews in training

Well, Annabelle still loves SLEEPING BEAUTY, obviously but also loves the Sound of Music.

Here is the singing diva!!! ;)

My mom took my sister and I and Annabelle to see the Sound of Music at the Baton Rouge Little Theater Saturday. We loved it! Annabelle has only seen the disney version movie which varies slightly from the theater version. She commented on it during the show-LOL!

p.s. ok. so this is somewhat easier than i thought. blogging that is. I have a lot of catchig up to do. (2 posts in one night--pretty good ;)

Disney World!!!

Ok, so yea...i haven;t blogged in f~o~r~e~v~e~r. I am not great at it, so that's why. In February, my parents took us to Disney World. If my parents had taken me as a kid, they wouldn't have had to pay for 4 extra people-LOL! We had a great time! Thanks MOM & DAD!

Joseph's favorite thing was riding the bus, plane, and train-LOL!

Joseph liked characters from a distance. I'm sure there was a character across the table that caught his attention otherwise he would have freaked bc mickey was right there behind him LOL!

It was Caroline's first birthday and she was kissed by snow white!

Annabelle loves Sleeping Beauty. She stared at her the whole time :)

On the plane w Orlando magic and former LSU basketball player Brandon Bass!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Big Sis loves her lil sis and is a great help. (Huh? Caroline actually was asleep in her crib--go figure-LOL!)

CRASH! he couldnt wait until I was finishing feeding caroline for his nap

Four Generation Picture!

Caroline was blessed on my mom's birthday

Richardson Egg Hunt 2009
Magnolia, MS

Um, it's his easter shirt-LOL!

Thanks Kory for taking our family pic!


I would never trade a minute of my time with my kids. Even when my almost 2yr. makes the bathroom floor so slippery that I stub my once a year freshly pedicured big toe and then try to feed him dinner which he dumps all over the floor!

We have been busy but here are some pics of the kids. Caroline Elizabeth was blessed on Easter Sunday. She was a perfect baby during the blessing--no fuss at all!! We were blessed to be able to spend time with all our family (parents and siblings and nieces and nephews!) My grandma and aunt were able to come from Arkansas for the blessing, too!--THANKS!!
Annabelle gets out of school next Friday!! I am glad to have her home for the summer--even if it means all 3 lil ones 24/7!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sweet Caroline!

Baby Caroline has arrived! February 17, 2009. She weighed in at 7lbs. 15 oz. (just like big sister & brother--what are the odds?) and she was 20 1/4in. Life is getting back on track. Annabelle is proud of her baby sister. Joseph is jealous of the attention she's getting but still loves her.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Pet Week

Annabelle's preschool class had a pet week/show n tell. She was so excited that she got to bring her dog, Ebony!

Monday, November 17, 2008


A quick blog of Halloween night. Annabelle was a LSU Cheerleader and Joseph was a LSU Football player! GEAUX TIGERS! Above: Annabelle in her cheerleader pose.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Ok, so I uploaded the pictures about a week ago and didn't want to get behind so here goes a two week late blog of our trip to the Pumpkin Patch.

Annabelle had fun picking up pint size pumpkins.

Joseph had fun running around. Mom was relieved because she didn't have to chase after him too much because he wasn't going to "break" the pumpkins-LOL!

Annabelle's cousin Jack came with us, too.

And so did cousin's Mya, ALiyah, and Aunt Amy (not pictured)

Here is a smile from Jack because Annabelle stopped chasing him with a funky looking giurd!--Annabelle can be a tease! She gets it from her dad and my dad, POPS!